QuanTâm cares about low income and homeless children so we teamed up with Cradles to Crayons!
Special Thanks to all of our sponsors and YouCaring supporters. We continue to be inspired by their big hearts and genuine desire to help.
I wrote this article to recap Operation Odyssey 2018 and to help you run an OO of your own.
QuanTâm was on an epic adventure to learn about teamwork, about ourselves and most of all, about serving our community with true compassion, humility, and love.
Homelessness is an increasingly visible problem that goes unnoticed by most on the streets of Chicago. Last year, Team Chaplin set out to help the homeless by providing care packages to more than 100 people facing homelessness in Chicago.
On Sunday April 22, 2018, with the help of many businesses and supporters who had contributed donations of snacks, sandwich ingredients, water and personal care essentials, over the last several months, we made and distributed 300 care packages to the homeless around the downtown area.
December 10, 2017: Our team worked at the Giving Factory. We thank Cradles to Crayons for hosting us and for doing amazing things for low-income and homeless children.