My Very Young Research Assistants provide me key insights into children’s thoughts and behaviors. Before I even develop ideas to launch a study, I seek feedback from Team VYRA. This national team advises me on what children are really like. They look at my study materials and tell me if my stimuli are outdated (i.e., they tell if I’m wrong in thinking certain products and brands are appealing to kids their age). Questions that would take me a long time to find out, such as:  “I wonder if kids still like Pokemon?”; “I wonder if my instructions for this task are clear?”; “I wonder how long this task would take to finish?”,   are quickly outsourced to Team VYRA. As a result of their help, I am able to develop engaging studies with age appropriate material to allow children who will actually participate in my studies to perform their best and have fun.   


NOTE:  Members of Team VYRA never participate in any of my research studies. They are my Very Young Research Assistants.  They help me on a volunteer basis (if and when they have time) and in doing so, learn about the research process.